As an organisation working towards the rights of young people to accesses higher education, we strongly believe that the youth of India can be one of our most powerful allies in awareness and fundraising.
Young people have enormous potential to change the world around them by educating their peers, parents and teachers. Education should be a right rather than a privilege and by banding together, every deserving child can receive the same chance to access education irrespective of their financial capacity.
It is possible to set up Friends of Help A Child awareness club within your school or college to focus on creating awareness or fundraising activities. Students can help out by organizing events on campus, collecting money or setting donation programme for other student and even their teachers.
Some ideas for possible activities can include
- Donation boxes on campus for spare change
- A charity event between the student and teachers or inter-college events such as a cricket match, a cultural standoff like a music jig, theatre festival or dance competition
- Convince students to donate the proceeds by selling their household newspapers to Help A Child
Help A Child is happy to provide any support and materials required as well as award certificates to students for their efforts.